GATE Identification:
The Dry Creek District has a Gifted and Talented Education program for students who display extraordinary academic ability or high intellectual ability in the classroom. Students who qualify receive a differentiated core curriculum to modify their instruction at school.
Second Grade Students:
All second-grade students will be assessed with the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test, which is a non-reading test of cognitive processing skills and abstract reasoning which demonstrates how a child learns. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test is optional and parents may decline to have their child tested. A GATE information letter will be sent home with each second grader in late August.
Third-Fifth Grade Students:
A student in 3rd – 5th grade can be considered for formal GATE identification in the Dry Creek district. Each school site will designate a testing date for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test in September. The designated date for each school will be announced in the school’s August and September newsletters and posted on the school’s website. Please contact the school to have your child placed on the list for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test. Permission slips are available in the school office and must be completed and signed and returned at least one day before testing.
Sixth and Seventh Grade Students:
A student in 6th – 7th grade can be considered for formal GATE identification in the Dry Creek district. Each school site will designate a testing date for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test in September . The designated date for each school will be announced in the school’s August and September newsletters and posted on the school’s website. Please contact the school to have your child placed on the list for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test. Permission slips are available in the school office and must be completed and signed and returned at least one day before testing.